Thursday, December 20, 2012


Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...

He already choose 'the path'. Kamu bila lagi pendamba_cinta?
Why you so afraid to leave this world huh? :(

Before joining rebel forces, Mr El Sayed had been like many other Irish youngsters -- attending St Mary's school in Drogheda before holding down several jobs in Dublin. He had recently been involved in setting up his own company.
But he was one of a handful of men from Ireland who have headed to Syria in order to join the uprising.
Speaking to reporters in Syria before his death, he admitted his parents were concerned about his choice.
"They are still worried for my safety out here," he said. But he added that one of his goals in life was "defending the weak against injustice and the oppressors".

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