Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
Alhamdulillah, setelah 5 tahun bergelumang dalam dunia tabib menabib orang, akhirnya, saya semakin firm untuk specialize to what! Keep thinking about the option since KMB. Mula-mula nak jadi pediatrics (pakar kanak-kanak) Sebab? suka main dengan budak kecil. I admit that I'm hot tempered. But dengan budak-budak, so far I never get tired.. because they just innocent. Dulu buat social work di Sekolah Orang Asli, sentiasa kena buli dengan budak-budak. Dengan degil mereka, Allah je yang tahu. Tapi still happy je.
Then I turn to fall in love (ceewah) to nuerologist. Why? I kind of concern about my father's health. He is getting old. And I cannot help to see his hand's shaking. I need to help him. Fast. But sincerely, I hate neuroanatomy. Sorry Dr. Nemcova :-p
Kemudian.. saya jatuh cinta pula kepada cardiologist. Haha. Cardio looks complicated.. but it was fun! But our relationship didn't last long. Sebab? Ntah la. Macam bosan je jantung ni. Jantung SAHAJA.
Then, I turn myself into anesthesiologist. The idea behind it is that anesthesiologist kerja agak goyang kaki dan demand sentiasa ada, dan saya boleh ada masa untuk family (in the future insyaAllah). But after surgery rotation and seeing all those related stuff, I dont think I am happy inside operating theater. So, a big NO for anything related to surgery. heh :-)
Now, muahaha. after getting into the super duper bosan rotation: psychiatry, I think, I want to be one of them. I hate the way they teach the student, but just to understand people emotion is kind of satisfaction. and I want to specialized it to child, because, my interest with children never fades away.
Ya Allah, semoga aku menjadi doktor yang berjaya dan berkhidmat semata mata utk redhaMu. Amin
ps: the 6th sense. cooliow~~~