Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
From abu arnab.. to abu hurairah XD
ps: pinjam syampoo bole x..? mantap habis bau..
Monday, July 30, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
Usai melihat orang bergraduasi.
Personally, seronok tengok orang happy, orang hebat-hebat.
Tapi jauh dalam hati, tak terasa inspired.
Medicine is not my real ambition, so... It is normal that you can't lie to yourself.
Another 2 years (insyaAllah) plus the rest of my life to dedicate along this field.
Masa orang tengah sibuk ambil scroll, saya di dalam dunia sendiri, tersesat, meneka perasaan yang sepatutnya bila berada di posisi itu.
Haha... Life is full of lies.
ps: terbaik.emirates tak kasi tido hotel, kasi alasan pelbagai (malas nak argue time pose), maka bakal bertapa di dubai.earphone lingkup, setelah hidup terseksa digunapakai secara 'keras'.screen camera kaput. but anyway, segala puji pujian kepadamu ya Rabb, because everyday, you never stop giving me nikmah.
Usai melihat orang bergraduasi.
Personally, seronok tengok orang happy, orang hebat-hebat.
Tapi jauh dalam hati, tak terasa inspired.
Medicine is not my real ambition, so... It is normal that you can't lie to yourself.
Another 2 years (insyaAllah) plus the rest of my life to dedicate along this field.
Masa orang tengah sibuk ambil scroll, saya di dalam dunia sendiri, tersesat, meneka perasaan yang sepatutnya bila berada di posisi itu.
Haha... Life is full of lies.
ps: terbaik.emirates tak kasi tido hotel, kasi alasan pelbagai (malas nak argue time pose), maka bakal bertapa di dubai.earphone lingkup, setelah hidup terseksa digunapakai secara 'keras'.screen camera kaput. but anyway, segala puji pujian kepadamu ya Rabb, because everyday, you never stop giving me nikmah.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
wahai pemimpin muslimin ...
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
Negara Islam yang kaya minyak, keluasan tanah melampau-lampau...
Awat la ang pa tak pi tolong orang Rohingya?
Mereka tak diiktiraf di negara sendiri...
Tolong la..tolong la mereka...
Tolong la jangan kufur nikmat. Cuba la contohi Bangladesh. Jiran Rohingya. Antara negara paling padat atas muka bumi, yet paling miskin. Diorang dah cuba terima dah pelarian Rohingya, sampai last-last dah tak mampu nak terima pasal diorang pun shortage itu ini.
Aung San Tsu Kyi hanya nationalist, but lack of humanism. 'She didn't know that Rohingya is the Burmese'.
Cukup lah bergantung dekat non-muslim. Allah dah turunkan Quran cantik dalam bahasa arab. Takkan la angpa tak paham. Nak suruh den translate ka?
*awat la genius sangat mintak tolong UN, etc. OIC buat pa? meeting manjang, satu pa tak jalan*
ps: rasanya, zaman ni,setiap solat sepatutnya kena buat qunut nazilah. bencana berlaku di mana-mana.
Allahu a'lam.
Negara Islam yang kaya minyak, keluasan tanah melampau-lampau...
Awat la ang pa tak pi tolong orang Rohingya?
Mereka tak diiktiraf di negara sendiri...
Tolong la..tolong la mereka...
Tolong la jangan kufur nikmat. Cuba la contohi Bangladesh. Jiran Rohingya. Antara negara paling padat atas muka bumi, yet paling miskin. Diorang dah cuba terima dah pelarian Rohingya, sampai last-last dah tak mampu nak terima pasal diorang pun shortage itu ini.
Aung San Tsu Kyi hanya nationalist, but lack of humanism. 'She didn't know that Rohingya is the Burmese'.
Cukup lah bergantung dekat non-muslim. Allah dah turunkan Quran cantik dalam bahasa arab. Takkan la angpa tak paham. Nak suruh den translate ka?
*awat la genius sangat mintak tolong UN, etc. OIC buat pa? meeting manjang, satu pa tak jalan*
ps: rasanya, zaman ni,setiap solat sepatutnya kena buat qunut nazilah. bencana berlaku di mana-mana.
Allahu a'lam.
Puasa 2
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
Tafseer of Surah 91 - Shams - Nouman Ali Khan
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Puasa 1
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang...
Berpuasalah kamu pada hari yang panas, pada memikirkan panasnya Mahsyar itu nanti. Dirikanlah solat dua rakaat pada malam yang gelap, dek memikirkan gelapnya liang lahad di alam kubur nanti
(Abu Darda')
Friday, July 20, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
I am easily irritated.
tak tahu kenapa, tapi itulah..
kes terbaru irritated; tengah cakap dengan ayah dekat phone. cerita lah pengalaman main bobsleigh...
pup, apa yang dapat..., '..tak payah la main..bahaya..bla3..' (nada: buat kesalahan besar)
dan seolah-olah reflex; pup, darah boiled up.
terus jawab.. 'ok la, lepas ni duduk rumah je...'
then he suggest.. '..pergi la swimming, etc..'
then jawab balik: '...oh, swimming pun bahaya, nanti mati lemas...nanti balik nanti pun kena beli kereta kebal kot, bahaya jugak pandu kereta...'
lepastu, ayah gelak..tak tahu nak balas apa...
I am sorry, I am easily irritated, untuk benda yang tahapa-hapa
Everything bahaya.. kalau dalam pharmacology (kalau tak salah), every substance bahaya, hatta air kosong (plain water), kalau dosage tak betul.
Dan setujulah, memang setiap benda kena berhati-hati.
Barangkali, saya benci dilayan seperti orang bodoh.
Entah la...
Allahu a'lam
I am easily irritated.
tak tahu kenapa, tapi itulah..
kes terbaru irritated; tengah cakap dengan ayah dekat phone. cerita lah pengalaman main bobsleigh...
pup, apa yang dapat..., '..tak payah la main..bahaya..bla3..' (nada: buat kesalahan besar)
dan seolah-olah reflex; pup, darah boiled up.
terus jawab.. 'ok la, lepas ni duduk rumah je...'
then he suggest.. '..pergi la swimming, etc..'
then jawab balik: '...oh, swimming pun bahaya, nanti mati lemas...nanti balik nanti pun kena beli kereta kebal kot, bahaya jugak pandu kereta...'
lepastu, ayah gelak..tak tahu nak balas apa...
I am sorry, I am easily irritated, untuk benda yang tahapa-hapa
Everything bahaya.. kalau dalam pharmacology (kalau tak salah), every substance bahaya, hatta air kosong (plain water), kalau dosage tak betul.
Dan setujulah, memang setiap benda kena berhati-hati.
Barangkali, saya benci dilayan seperti orang bodoh.
Entah la...
Allahu a'lam
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Minta maaf ye..
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
Sempena Ramadhan yang makin menghampiri ni, saya sebagai insan dhaif, yg bercita-cita untuk menjadi penghuni syurga Allah dan mengharapkan redha Allah..., menyusun 10 jari memohon kemaafan kepada mereka yang tersinggung dengan apa-apa yang saya coretkan di blog ini. Jika pihak tuan/puan tidak berpuas hati dan inginkan saya meminta maaf dengan lebih personal, tinggalkan email/cara yang boleh saya hubungi pihak tuan/puan dengan lebih proper. (aih, masih gagal guna melayu baku. mau kena piat dgn ustaz hasrizal ni).
InsyaAllah, dari pihak saya, saya memaafkan segala kesalahan pihak tuan/puan yang jelas mahupun tersirat ke atas diri saya. Sebab? Kerana saya berpendapat dunia ini hanya pentas lakonan sahaja. I am a wayfarer, and I own nothing. My anger is when there is thing against His ways.
Allahu a'lam
Sempena Ramadhan yang makin menghampiri ni, saya sebagai insan dhaif, yg bercita-cita untuk menjadi penghuni syurga Allah dan mengharapkan redha Allah..., menyusun 10 jari memohon kemaafan kepada mereka yang tersinggung dengan apa-apa yang saya coretkan di blog ini. Jika pihak tuan/puan tidak berpuas hati dan inginkan saya meminta maaf dengan lebih personal, tinggalkan email/cara yang boleh saya hubungi pihak tuan/puan dengan lebih proper. (aih, masih gagal guna melayu baku. mau kena piat dgn ustaz hasrizal ni).
InsyaAllah, dari pihak saya, saya memaafkan segala kesalahan pihak tuan/puan yang jelas mahupun tersirat ke atas diri saya. Sebab? Kerana saya berpendapat dunia ini hanya pentas lakonan sahaja. I am a wayfarer, and I own nothing. My anger is when there is thing against His ways.
Allahu a'lam
Monday, July 16, 2012
Naging Allah
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
Orang sekarang asyik ber-gaging... kerna manusia itu fitrahnya mencari kegembiraan,
Tapi jangan lupa ber-naging... bukan kepada manusia, kelak kau di cela,
Ber-nag-ing lah kamu kepada yang Maha Mendengar, Maha Penyayang... kelak kau berasa tenang.
Orang sekarang asyik ber-gaging... kerna manusia itu fitrahnya mencari kegembiraan,
Tapi jangan lupa ber-naging... bukan kepada manusia, kelak kau di cela,
Ber-nag-ing lah kamu kepada yang Maha Mendengar, Maha Penyayang... kelak kau berasa tenang.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Ramadhan Special from Mark Zuckenberg :D
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
Dah boleh tengok sape stalk page fb!!
Maka.. bole la ye bwk2 bertaubat, kwn-kwn.. (ckp utk diri sendiri gak)
Dah boleh tengok sape stalk page fb!!
Maka.. bole la ye bwk2 bertaubat, kwn-kwn.. (ckp utk diri sendiri gak)
calm and shy
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
Maha Suci Allah, Allah-lah yang Maha Besar.. dan Segala Puji-Pujian ke atas-Nya
The Husband Who Was Too Shy To Look At His Wife (a moving story)
This story was recounted by Prof. Khalid Al-Jubeir, consulting cardiovascular surgeon, in one of his lectures:
Once I operated on a two and a half year old child. It was Tuesday, and on Wednesday the child was in good health. On Thursday at 11:15 am – and I’ll never forget the time because of the shock I experienced – one of the nurses informed me that the heart and breathing of the child had stopped. I hurried to the child and performed cardiac massage for 45 minutes and during that entire time the heart would not work.
Then, ALLAH decreed for the heart to resume function and we thanked HIM. I went to inform the child’s family about his condition. As you know, it is very difficult to inform the patient’s family about his condition when it’s bad. This is one of the most difficult situations a doctor is subjected to but it is necessary. So I looked for the child’s father whom I couldn’t find. Then I found his mother. I told her that the child’s cardiac arrest was due to bleeding in his throat; we don’t know the cause of this bleeding and fear that his brain is dead. So how do you think she responded? Did she cry? Did she blame me? No, nothing of the sort. Instead, she said “Alhamdulillah” (All Praise is due to ALLAH) and left me.
After 10 days, the child started moving. We thanked ALLAH and were happy that his brain condition was reasonable. After 12 days, the heart stopped again because of the same bleeding. We performed another cardiac massage for 45 minutes but this time his heart didn’t respond. I told his mother that there was no hope. So she said: “Alhamdulillah. O ALLAH, if there is good in his recovery, then cure him, O my Lord.”
With the grace of ALLAH, his heart started functioning again. He suffered six similar cardiac arrests till a trachea specialist was able to stop the bleeding and the heart started working properly. Now, three and a half months had passed and the child was recovering but did not move. Then just as he started moving, he was afflicted with a very large and strange pus-filled abscess in his head, the likes of which I had never seen. I informed his mother of the serious development. She said “Alhamdulillah” and left me.
We immediately turned him over to the surgical unit that deals with the brain and nervous system and they took over his treatment. Three weeks later, the boy recovered from this abscess but was still not moving. Two weeks pass and he suffers from a strange blood poisoning and his temperature reaches 41.2°C (106°F). I again informed his mother of the serious development and she said with patience and certainty: “Alhamdulillah. O ALLAH, if there is good in his recovery, then cure him.”
After seeing his mother who was with her child at Bed#5, I went to see another child at Bed#6. I found that child’s mother crying and screaming, “Doctor! Doctor! Do something! The boy’s temperature reached 37.6°C (99.68°F)! He’s going to die! He’s going to die!” I said with surprise, “Look at the mother of that child in Bed#5. Her child’s fever is over 41°C (106°F), yet she is patient and praises ALLAH.” So she replied: “That woman isn’t conscious and has no senses”. At that point, I remembered the great Hadith of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam): “Blessed are the strangers.” Just two words… but indeed two words that shake a nation! In 23 years of hospital service, I have never seen the likes of this patient sister.
We continued to care for him. Now, six and a half months have passed and the boy finally came out of the recovery unit – not talking, not seeing, not hearing, not moving, not smiling, and with an open chest in which you can see his beating heart. The mother changed the dressing regularly and remained patient and hopeful. Do you know what happened after that? Before I inform you, what do you think are the prospects of a child who has passed through all these dangers, agonies, and diseases? And what do you expect this patient mother to do whose child is at the brink of the grave and who is unable to do anything except supplicate and beseech ALLAH? Do you know what happened two and a half months later? The boy was completely cured by the mercy of ALLAH and as a reward for this pious mother. He now races his mother with his feet as if nothing happened and he became sound and healthy as he was before.
The story doesn’t end here. This is not what moved me and brought tears to my eyes. What filled my eyes with tears is what follows:
One and a half years after the child left the hospital, one of the brothers from the Operations Unit informed me that a man, his wife and two children wanted to see me. I asked who they were and he replied that he didn’t know them. So I went to see them, and I found the parents of the same child whom I operated upon. He was now five years old and like a flower in good health – as if nothing happened to him. With them also was a four-month old newborn. I welcomed them kindly and then jokingly asked the father whether the newborn was the 13th or 14th child. He looked at me with an astonishing smile as if he pitied me. He then said, “This is the second child, and the child upon whom you operated is our first born, bestowed upon us after 17 years of infertility. And after being granted that child, he was afflicted with the conditions that you’ve seen.”
At hearing this, I couldn’t control myself and my eyes filled with tears. I then involuntarily grabbed the man by the arm, and pulling him to my room, asked him about his wife: “Who is this wife of yours who after 17 years of infertility has this much patience with all the fatal conditions that afflict her first born?! Her heart cannot be barren! It must be fertile with Imaan!”Do you know what he said? Listen carefully my dear brothers and sisters. He said, “I was married to this woman for 19 years and for all these years she has never missed the [late] night prayers except due to an authorized excuse. I have never witnessed her backbiting, gossiping, or lying. Whenever I leave home or return, she opens the door, supplicates for me, and receives me hospitably. And in everything she does, she demonstrates the utmost love, care, courtesy, and compassion.” The man completed by saying, “Indeed, doctor, because of all the noble manners and affection with which she treats me, I’m shy to lift up my eyes and look at her. So I said to him: “And the likes of her truly deserve that from you.”
The End…
ALLAH says: And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient; Who, when calamity strikes them, say, “Indeed we belong to ALLAH, and indeed to HIM we will return.” Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided. (Surah Al-Baqarah 155-157)
Umm Salamah (the wife of the Prophet) said: I heard the Messenger of ALLAH (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) saying: “There is no Muslim who is stricken by a calamity and says what ALLAH has commanded him – ‘Indeed we belong to ALLAH, and indeed to Him we will return; O ALLAH, reward me for my affliction and compensate me with that which is better’ – except that ALLAH will grant him something better in exchange.” When Abu Salamah [her former husband] passed away, I said to myself: “What Muslim is better than Abu Salamah?” I then said the words, and ALLAH gave me the Messenger of ALLAH (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) in exchange. (Sahih Muslim)
Allahu a'lam
Maha Suci Allah, Allah-lah yang Maha Besar.. dan Segala Puji-Pujian ke atas-Nya
The Husband Who Was Too Shy To Look At His Wife (a moving story)
This story was recounted by Prof. Khalid Al-Jubeir, consulting cardiovascular surgeon, in one of his lectures:
Once I operated on a two and a half year old child. It was Tuesday, and on Wednesday the child was in good health. On Thursday at 11:15 am – and I’ll never forget the time because of the shock I experienced – one of the nurses informed me that the heart and breathing of the child had stopped. I hurried to the child and performed cardiac massage for 45 minutes and during that entire time the heart would not work.
Then, ALLAH decreed for the heart to resume function and we thanked HIM. I went to inform the child’s family about his condition. As you know, it is very difficult to inform the patient’s family about his condition when it’s bad. This is one of the most difficult situations a doctor is subjected to but it is necessary. So I looked for the child’s father whom I couldn’t find. Then I found his mother. I told her that the child’s cardiac arrest was due to bleeding in his throat; we don’t know the cause of this bleeding and fear that his brain is dead. So how do you think she responded? Did she cry? Did she blame me? No, nothing of the sort. Instead, she said “Alhamdulillah” (All Praise is due to ALLAH) and left me.
After 10 days, the child started moving. We thanked ALLAH and were happy that his brain condition was reasonable. After 12 days, the heart stopped again because of the same bleeding. We performed another cardiac massage for 45 minutes but this time his heart didn’t respond. I told his mother that there was no hope. So she said: “Alhamdulillah. O ALLAH, if there is good in his recovery, then cure him, O my Lord.”
With the grace of ALLAH, his heart started functioning again. He suffered six similar cardiac arrests till a trachea specialist was able to stop the bleeding and the heart started working properly. Now, three and a half months had passed and the child was recovering but did not move. Then just as he started moving, he was afflicted with a very large and strange pus-filled abscess in his head, the likes of which I had never seen. I informed his mother of the serious development. She said “Alhamdulillah” and left me.
We immediately turned him over to the surgical unit that deals with the brain and nervous system and they took over his treatment. Three weeks later, the boy recovered from this abscess but was still not moving. Two weeks pass and he suffers from a strange blood poisoning and his temperature reaches 41.2°C (106°F). I again informed his mother of the serious development and she said with patience and certainty: “Alhamdulillah. O ALLAH, if there is good in his recovery, then cure him.”
After seeing his mother who was with her child at Bed#5, I went to see another child at Bed#6. I found that child’s mother crying and screaming, “Doctor! Doctor! Do something! The boy’s temperature reached 37.6°C (99.68°F)! He’s going to die! He’s going to die!” I said with surprise, “Look at the mother of that child in Bed#5. Her child’s fever is over 41°C (106°F), yet she is patient and praises ALLAH.” So she replied: “That woman isn’t conscious and has no senses”. At that point, I remembered the great Hadith of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam): “Blessed are the strangers.” Just two words… but indeed two words that shake a nation! In 23 years of hospital service, I have never seen the likes of this patient sister.
We continued to care for him. Now, six and a half months have passed and the boy finally came out of the recovery unit – not talking, not seeing, not hearing, not moving, not smiling, and with an open chest in which you can see his beating heart. The mother changed the dressing regularly and remained patient and hopeful. Do you know what happened after that? Before I inform you, what do you think are the prospects of a child who has passed through all these dangers, agonies, and diseases? And what do you expect this patient mother to do whose child is at the brink of the grave and who is unable to do anything except supplicate and beseech ALLAH? Do you know what happened two and a half months later? The boy was completely cured by the mercy of ALLAH and as a reward for this pious mother. He now races his mother with his feet as if nothing happened and he became sound and healthy as he was before.
The story doesn’t end here. This is not what moved me and brought tears to my eyes. What filled my eyes with tears is what follows:
One and a half years after the child left the hospital, one of the brothers from the Operations Unit informed me that a man, his wife and two children wanted to see me. I asked who they were and he replied that he didn’t know them. So I went to see them, and I found the parents of the same child whom I operated upon. He was now five years old and like a flower in good health – as if nothing happened to him. With them also was a four-month old newborn. I welcomed them kindly and then jokingly asked the father whether the newborn was the 13th or 14th child. He looked at me with an astonishing smile as if he pitied me. He then said, “This is the second child, and the child upon whom you operated is our first born, bestowed upon us after 17 years of infertility. And after being granted that child, he was afflicted with the conditions that you’ve seen.”
At hearing this, I couldn’t control myself and my eyes filled with tears. I then involuntarily grabbed the man by the arm, and pulling him to my room, asked him about his wife: “Who is this wife of yours who after 17 years of infertility has this much patience with all the fatal conditions that afflict her first born?! Her heart cannot be barren! It must be fertile with Imaan!”Do you know what he said? Listen carefully my dear brothers and sisters. He said, “I was married to this woman for 19 years and for all these years she has never missed the [late] night prayers except due to an authorized excuse. I have never witnessed her backbiting, gossiping, or lying. Whenever I leave home or return, she opens the door, supplicates for me, and receives me hospitably. And in everything she does, she demonstrates the utmost love, care, courtesy, and compassion.” The man completed by saying, “Indeed, doctor, because of all the noble manners and affection with which she treats me, I’m shy to lift up my eyes and look at her. So I said to him: “And the likes of her truly deserve that from you.”
The End…
ALLAH says: And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient; Who, when calamity strikes them, say, “Indeed we belong to ALLAH, and indeed to HIM we will return.” Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided. (Surah Al-Baqarah 155-157)
Umm Salamah (the wife of the Prophet) said: I heard the Messenger of ALLAH (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) saying: “There is no Muslim who is stricken by a calamity and says what ALLAH has commanded him – ‘Indeed we belong to ALLAH, and indeed to Him we will return; O ALLAH, reward me for my affliction and compensate me with that which is better’ – except that ALLAH will grant him something better in exchange.” When Abu Salamah [her former husband] passed away, I said to myself: “What Muslim is better than Abu Salamah?” I then said the words, and ALLAH gave me the Messenger of ALLAH (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) in exchange. (Sahih Muslim)
Allahu a'lam
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Seorang syeikh yang suka bermuhasabah
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
Maha Suci Allah yang menciptakan hamba-hambaNya. Tenang dengar syeikh ni beri tazkirah. Basic. Asas. Itu lah perkara yang beliau sentuh. Dan Rasa lembut je hati tengok dia tersedu-sedu. Iri hati pun ada barangkali, kerana tak mampu sebegitu. :-(
Maha Suci Allah yang menciptakan hamba-hambaNya. Tenang dengar syeikh ni beri tazkirah. Basic. Asas. Itu lah perkara yang beliau sentuh. Dan Rasa lembut je hati tengok dia tersedu-sedu. Iri hati pun ada barangkali, kerana tak mampu sebegitu. :-(
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
Sudahkah kita bermuhasabah diri untuk hari ini?
:-) tadi agak 'itchy' tangan baca post2 sekitar tahun 2010. Mampu sengih sorang-sorang je...
Rasanya, belajar bidang ini atau belajar di negara ini... yang mana membuatkan diri ini seakan-akan terperangkap dlm evolusi kematangan?
Sudahkah kita bermuhasabah diri untuk hari ini?
:-) tadi agak 'itchy' tangan baca post2 sekitar tahun 2010. Mampu sengih sorang-sorang je...
Rasanya, belajar bidang ini atau belajar di negara ini... yang mana membuatkan diri ini seakan-akan terperangkap dlm evolusi kematangan?
Friday, July 13, 2012
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
' ...courage is mastery of fear..., not absence of fear ...'
menarik ! perlu tahu dan dengar !
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
tonton juga part 2 dan 3 :) runtuhkan yang zalim !
tonton juga part 2 dan 3 :) runtuhkan yang zalim !
Thursday, July 12, 2012
buang karan
bulat kecil, bulat kecil, ... bulatlah besar..
sayang mama, sayang papa,.. selamat malam (?)
enam kali enam... tiga puluh enam...
korek lubang, korek lubang...
sayang mama, sayang papa,.. selamat malam (?)
enam kali enam... tiga puluh enam...
korek lubang, korek lubang...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
Saya punya kawan bernama Hilal Asyraf di facebook.
Ala, yg popular tu XD
Dan Sabtu lepas, dia telah diijab kabulkan dengan pasangan hidupnya. Moga Allah berkati mereka berdua...
Dan bermula dari waktu itu (dan sebenarnya, sebelum nikah pun mcm dah start kut), keluar status update yang penuh bunga-bunga..
Barangkali, ada yang terfikir, 'eleh, mamat ni dengki ke dgn Hilal Asyraf..sebok je, pi block la kalau tanak baca status tu..'
InsyaAllah, tak dengki pun. Happy je. Kawan dapat rahmat, takkan tak happy kut.
Namun, cuma terdetik secara tiba-tiba ...
Ye lah, kahwin ni bukan perkara yg mudah untuk dicapai, apatah lagi untuk disempurnakan (kehidupan selepas kahwin).
Saya punya ramai kawan yg tersangkut dlm bab untuk capai perkara tersebut. Sebenarnya, diri sendiri pun.
Dan seringkali dengar kawan kongsi rasa hati mereka, sedih kerana nak buat benda baik di zaman fitnah ni mmg penuh kepayahan. Ada je ujian.
Rasanya, status-status Hilal ni, kalau dibaca geng 'kempunan' ni, boleh calar balar hati.
Perkara yang hampir sama.. mimik.. seperti mana seseorang itu pass exam, balik tanah air menikmati cuti dengan penuh kegembiraan.
Barangkali rasa tidak sensitif itu tiada, maka kadang kala ayat-ayat yg boleh menimbulkan iri hati pun terpapang lah di status update..(haa, tu lah, sape suruh active main fb XD)
Ntah la.. taktau nak classify problem ni mcm mana. Cuma pd pandangan peribadi, elok lagi la berdiam diri. Bak kata hikmah dalam anime yg sy baca..
Allahu a'lam
ps: tp serius, insyaAllah sy tak kisah pun status2 fb ni. just putting myself in other people's shoes.
Saya punya kawan bernama Hilal Asyraf di facebook.
Ala, yg popular tu XD
Dan Sabtu lepas, dia telah diijab kabulkan dengan pasangan hidupnya. Moga Allah berkati mereka berdua...
Dan bermula dari waktu itu (dan sebenarnya, sebelum nikah pun mcm dah start kut), keluar status update yang penuh bunga-bunga..
Barangkali, ada yang terfikir, 'eleh, mamat ni dengki ke dgn Hilal Asyraf..sebok je, pi block la kalau tanak baca status tu..'
InsyaAllah, tak dengki pun. Happy je. Kawan dapat rahmat, takkan tak happy kut.
Namun, cuma terdetik secara tiba-tiba ...
Ye lah, kahwin ni bukan perkara yg mudah untuk dicapai, apatah lagi untuk disempurnakan (kehidupan selepas kahwin).
Saya punya ramai kawan yg tersangkut dlm bab untuk capai perkara tersebut. Sebenarnya, diri sendiri pun.
Dan seringkali dengar kawan kongsi rasa hati mereka, sedih kerana nak buat benda baik di zaman fitnah ni mmg penuh kepayahan. Ada je ujian.
Rasanya, status-status Hilal ni, kalau dibaca geng 'kempunan' ni, boleh calar balar hati.
Perkara yang hampir sama.. mimik.. seperti mana seseorang itu pass exam, balik tanah air menikmati cuti dengan penuh kegembiraan.
Barangkali rasa tidak sensitif itu tiada, maka kadang kala ayat-ayat yg boleh menimbulkan iri hati pun terpapang lah di status update..(haa, tu lah, sape suruh active main fb XD)
Ntah la.. taktau nak classify problem ni mcm mana. Cuma pd pandangan peribadi, elok lagi la berdiam diri. Bak kata hikmah dalam anime yg sy baca..
'Silence is gold.. speech is silver'
Allahu a'lam
ps: tp serius, insyaAllah sy tak kisah pun status2 fb ni. just putting myself in other people's shoes.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
I Love You, Man... For the Sake of Allah
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
Friday, July 6, 2012
6 July 2012
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
tergamam menerima berita penarikan diri sahabat perjuangan.
mixed feelings.
ya Allah, teguhkanlah kami di jalan-Mu ini.
ya Allah, Engkau Maha Tahu, maka ku pohon kesejahteraan kawanku itu...
tergamam menerima berita penarikan diri sahabat perjuangan.
mixed feelings.
ya Allah, teguhkanlah kami di jalan-Mu ini.
ya Allah, Engkau Maha Tahu, maka ku pohon kesejahteraan kawanku itu...
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Buang sepatutnya
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ...
I'm the kind of person, that used to lived in a strict life.
And surely, I have a lot of pantang larang.
But after reading this, it wokes me up .. because now I know why I always failed in anger management.
I'm the kind of person, that used to lived in a strict life.
And surely, I have a lot of pantang larang.
But after reading this, it wokes me up .. because now I know why I always failed in anger management.
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ..
Perfectionist itu juga.. satu nikmat.
perfectionist, perlu diimbang dengan syukur. TONTON.
Perfectionist itu juga.. satu nikmat.
perfectionist, perlu diimbang dengan syukur. TONTON.
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